Truth seeking

There will be a moment in your life were you want to question and challenge truth. A moment were you want your life to make sense. Truth seeking. The journey of rediscovering yourself, physically and mentally. The journey of having the courage to confess and accept your own flaws, your ups and downs, wins and failures. The journey of forgiving yourself and the people in your past but also more importantly in your present time. A journey were you have given yourself the opportunity to get to know yourself wholeheartedly. You have to be unfearful in order to be able to depart and leave everything you consider as safeness, carefreeness, stillness and home behind. To take the very first step outside your everyday life can sometimes be the most difficult one. Truth seeking means loosing control over where your search takes you. Truth seeking is being open minded and welcoming everyone and everything that crosses your path. It's about believeing and acknowledging the people you meet during the journey as your teachers in lessons of life.

In the interest of building a better you. I've found my way of truth seeking. Have you found yours?

Who was I to make you wait ?

/ L.N

Postat av: Lost soul

"The journey of forgiving yourself and the people in your past."

Not at any cost.

2010-12-13 @ 09:56:29

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